5 research outputs found

    Combinations of Deformable Shape Prototypes

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    We propose to investigate a model-based technique for encoding non-rigid object classes in terms of object prototypes. Objects from the same class can be parameterized by identifying shape and appearance invariants of the class to devise low-level representations. The approach presented here creates a flexible model for an object class from a set of prototypes. This model is then used to estimate the parameters of low-level representation of novel objects as combinations of the prototype parameters. Variations in the object shape are modeled as non-rigid deformations. Appearance variations are modeled as intensity variations. In the training phase, the system is presented with several example prototype images. These prototype images are registered to a reference image by a finite element-based technique called Active Blobs. The deformations of the finite element model to register a prototype image with the reference image provide the shape description or shape vector for the prototype. The shape vector for each prototype, is then used to warp the prototype image onto the reference image and obtain the corresponding texture vector. The prototype texture vectors, being warped onto the same reference image have a pixel by pixel correspondence with each other and hence are "shape normalized". Given sufficient number of prototypes that exhibit appropriate in-class variations, the shape and the texture vectors define a linear prototype subspace that spans the object class. Each prototype is a vector in this subspace. The matching phase involves the estimation of a set of combination parameters for synthesis of the novel object by combining the prototype shape and texture vectors. The strengths of this technique lie in the combined estimation of both shape and appearance parameters. This is in contrast with the previous approaches where shape and appearance parameters were estimated separately

    Combining Textual and Visual Cues for Content-based Image Retrieval on the World Wide Web

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    A system is proposed that combines textual and visual statistics in a single index vector for content-based search of a WWW image database. Textual statistics are captured in vector form using latent semantic indexing (LSI) based on text in the containing HTML document. Visual statistics are captured in vector form using color and orientation histograms. By using an integrated approach, it becomes possible to take advantage of possible statistical couplings between the content of the document (latent semantic content) and the contents of images (visual statistics). The combined approach allows improved performance in conducting content-based search. Search performance experiments are reported for a database containing 100,000 images collected from the WWW. 1 Introduction The growing importance of the world wide web has led to the birth of a number of image search engines [6, 7, 11, 12]. The web's staggering scale puts severe limitations on the types of indexing algorithms that can be..